There has been attention given by researchers in stroke across the globe to tie down what we really ‘mean’ by the terms ‘rehabilitation’ and ‘recovery’.
In neuropsychological terms, if the phenomenon of creativity is first under examination, we might discover the descriptor term: ‘4 P’s of creativity‘: the person, process, product and press. The ‘press’ being the ‘environment’ where the creator is creating/inventing/innovating (these three terms also have different definitions).
Also, note as an aside that if ‘Press’ may involve ‘where one creates’ / where/who is around to help you do stuff / what sources can you look at / involve with etc etc, it does rather shine a light on the importance of being cognisant of not just ‘where one is’ (eg, in a flat, in a tower block, in the suburbs of London) but how one can bring maximal resources to bear to help your own situation.
For example; can you set up some effective home training gear? Can you get help from a qualified therapist or instructor to come to you to help in the early days? Can you get to a stroke rehab class if there’s one worth bothering with? Can you investigate interventions.. and learn about everything from CIMT to finding and utilising a specific kind of AFO which won’t restrict neuroplasticity but will support it whilst supporting you? Etc.
If one looks at how these 4 P’s of creativity map over to definitions produced by a global expert panel in 2017 (Bernhardt et al),which included long term supporter & friend, Professor Nick Ward at the Institute of Neurology, UCL, one can see that in the framework above, recovery is the product. A ‘product in perma-flux’! I’ve placed a blue line around a sentence from the paper which bears repetition.
After your stroke, the aim of rehabilitation is to help you overcome and cope in the long term with the damage caused. You’ll be helped to relearn or adapt skills so that you can be as independent as possible. Arguably the concept which will bear the most importance upon your rehabilitation potential from now on is ‘neuroplasticity’;
Your brain attempts to repair as much as possible after stroke, but there is a downside. During this period of repair, the neurons that surround the infarct are not able to do their job of conducting impulses.
Only once corrective metabolic activity recedes, swelling declines and ‘stunned’ neurons reawaken. This resolution is usually complemented by neuroplasticity. There is then available a period of optimal learning; when the area surrounding the lesion is at its most ‘plastic’. Although, it must be understood that that your although your ‘plastic potential’ declines, it will never be lost.
A town-planning analogy may be considered; in the same way a city has many streets and roads that link different suburbs, your brain has many connections that link different parts of your brain. There are many different exits and junctions that can take you wherever you need to go in the quickest way possible.
The more a road is used or the more popular it may become (ie, if a new short-cut to a motorway has just been loaded to the sat-nav technology), the more traffic may build suddenly up along that route, so the council may strengthen the existing road to cope with the traffic and/or add more lanes or new routes to cope with the increased traffic (new connections). It will also add speed-bumps no doubt!
Your brain can substantially reorganise itself in response to the input it is, or isn’t, receiving after stroke. Your brain has the ability to seek out older, less-used, ‘secondary’ roads if the ‘main roads’ are blocked or damaged.
Neuroplasticity allows us to compensate for irreparably damaged neural pathways by strengthening or re-routing remaining ones. The more you use these pathways, your brain will respond by upgrading them so that they’re more efficient at handling the traffic and the quicker the information is sent. The more the pathways (or ‘roads’) are used, the more adequately functional a task, ability or skill may seem to become.
Have a think about this; recovery is a journey. Rehabilitation is the road. Re-training is the vehicle and YOU are the driver. You’ve got a destination to go to, but it’s an on-going one, like a tour!
You absolutely, unequivocally, must drive yourself through your weeks, months and even a few years of rehabilitation to continue your recovery. The good news is that this road isn’t going to be boring, at all. On the contrary, the weather may be changeable at times but you’ll have lots of company on the way and there will be loads of great shops to try new rehab and/or self-management gear at and pubs to make pitstops at!
This is why repetition in rehabilitation post-stroke is so heavily emphasised. The more you repeat activities, the more likelihood you have potentially to gain back some of the function you may have lost due to your stroke. There is now a strong consensus among rehabilitation experts that the most important element in any recovery programme is carefully directed (well-focused and appropriately dosed) repetitive practice.
A big secret to success with your upper limb for example (dependent on presentation) is, after early intensive recovery efforts have moved you to a certain standard of functional movement, to start ‘creating’ things with the thought of ‘formal rehab’ firmly in the background.
The choice or choices of hobby you take on to pursue over the long term would be set up first to ensure that your more-affected upper limb, from shoulder to fingertips, is maximally involved. The requirements of painting a picture involving your more affected hand and acquiring skill at this practice is one example. Or setting out to make cards to sell for charity or on Ebay!
One problem that many researchers find is that individual creative efforts like these don’t readily lend itself to measurement, however contributory they are to your overall rehab. And creativity notoriously suffers under measurement and control during trials. This is one of the reasons why you won’t find ‘off-the-shelf’ custom self-rehab programmes. They are by nature all generalised. They have to be.
And furthermore, motivation must ‘run like a ribbon’ through the creative process. This must be intrinsic to the creator – there must be a NEED to create, to problem-solve until an objective is complete. This need stokes interest, drive, enthusiasm, desire, perseverance, passion and persistence.
So remember, the ARNI 4 retraining elements are meant to be initially explored with the help of a therapist or trainer if possible, then individualised by you, the creator, as soon as appropriate.
A good start is to try to take onboard, and adhere to, these 9 golden rules:
1) Time matters: neuroplasticity is a process rather than a single event, with windows of opportunity opening for different skills at different times. In rehabilitation, starting earlier is usually better than starting later.
2) Repetition matters: you must do a task over and over again to actually change your brain.
3) Specificity matters: you must skillfully practice the exact tasks you want to improve.
4) Salience matters: to change the brain optimally, the skills you’re practicing must ideally have meaning, relevance, or importance to you.
5) Intensity matters: more repetitions in a shorter time are necessary for creating new connections.
6) Train to transfer: practicing one skill can often result in improvement of a related skill.
7) Use it or lose it: the skills you don’t practice often get weaker.
8) Use it and improve it: the skills you practice the most, you get better at the most.
9) Age is a number: younger brains tend to change faster than older brains, but significant functional improvements are possible at any age.
10) Engage with others: get as many other people involved with your rehab over the long term as you humanely can!