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Clinical Research into ARNI Approach

The Past 10 years of Research into the ARNI approach

stroke exercise research project

Ali, K, Shafizadeh, M, Nasr, N, Balchin T, Hart, J, Kelley, J (2024) Older stroke survivors and ARNI rehabilitation therapists’ views on home-based resistance exercise for upper limbs, Age and Ageing, Vol 53, No.1. Read here

Ali, K, Balchin, T. (2022) ASTAR: Stroke Survivors with ARNI Upper-Limb Training Task-Boards & ARNI Tuition in Acute Rehabilitation Units during the Pandemic. (Manuscript submitted for publication). Brighton and Sussex Medical School, University of Sussex.

Hollands, L, Calitri, R, Warmoth, K, Shepherd, A, Allison, R, Dean, S, on behalf of the ReTrain Trial & team (2021) Assessing the fidelity of the independently getting up off the floor (IGO) technique as part of the ReTrain pilot feasibility randomised controlled trial for stroke survivors. Disability and Rehabilitation, Vol 4, No, 25.  Read here

Hollands L, Warmoth K, Calitri R, Shepherd A, Allison R, Dean S. (2021) Evaluating independently getting up off the floor (IGO) following stroke. Rehabilitation International World Congress Virtual. 07/09/2021. Oral presentation.

Young, R.E, Broom, D, Sage, K, Crossland, K, Smith, C. (2021) Experiences of venue-based exercise interventions for people with stroke in the UK: a systematic review and thematic synthesis of qualitative research. Physiotherapy, 110:5-14. Read here

Norris, M, Poltawski, L, Calitri, R, Dean, S. (2019) Hope and Despair: a qualitative exploration of the experiences and impact of trial processes in a rehabilitation trial. Trials, 20, 525. Read here.

Norris M, Poltawski L, Calitri R, et al. (2018) Acceptability and experience of a functional training programme (ReTrain) in community-dwelling stroke survivors in South West England: a qualitative study. BMJ Open Vol 8, No.1. Read here

Dean, S.G, Poltawski, L, Forster, A, Taylor, R.S, Spencer, A, James, M, Allison, R., Stevens, S, Norris, M., Shepherd, A.I, Landa, P, Pulsford, R.M., Hollands, L, Calitri, R. (2018) Community-based Rehabilitation Training after stroke: Results of a pilot randomised controlled trial (ReTrain) investigating acceptability and feasibility. British Medical Journal Open Vol. 8, No. 2. Read here

Dean S, Poltawski L, Forster A, Taylor, R, Spencer A, James M, Allison R, Stevens S, Norris M, Shepherd A, Calitri, R. (2016) Community-based Rehabilitation Training after stroke: protocol of a pilot randomised controlled trial (ReTrain). British Medical Journal Open Vol. 6, No. 10. Read here

ongoing stroke researchPoltawski, L, Boddy, K, Forster, A, Goodwin, V, Pavey, AC, Dean S (2015) Motivators for uptake and maintenance of exercise: perceptions of long-term stroke survivors and implications for design of exercise programmes. Disability and Rehabilitation. Vol. 37, No. 9. Read here

Norris M, Kilbride C, Mohagheghi A, Victor C (2013) A Qualitative Exploration of Participation in an Exercise Instructor Led Functional Training Programme for Community Dwelling Stroke Survivors. International Journal of Therapy and Rehabilitation. Vol 20, No 12. Read here

Dean S, Goodwin VA. Warmouth, K, Poltawski L, Stiles VH, Taylor R (2013). The IGO study: a ‘before and after’ case series to assess the safety and teaching of a technique designed for people with stroke to Independently Get up Off the floor. In the International Journal of Therapy and Rehabilitation  & International Journal of Stroke, Vol. 8. No 7. Read here

Kilbride C, Norris M, Thies N, Mohagheghi A (2013) Action for Rehabilitation from Neurological Injury (ARNI): A pragmatic study of functional training for stroke survivors. Journal of Therapy and Rehabilitation. Vol 1, No 2. Read here

stroke training therapyPoltawski L, Abraham C, Forster A, Goodwin VA, Kilbride C, Taylor RS., Dean S. (2013) Synthesising practice guidelines for the development of community-based exercise programmes after stroke. Implementation Science. Vol 8, No. 4. Read here

Poltawski L, Briggs J, Forster A, Goodwin VA, James M, Taylor RS., Dean S. (2013) Informing the design of a randomised controlled trial of an exercise-based programme for long term stroke survivors: lessons from a before-and-after case series study. BMC Res Notes; 6: 324. Read here

stroke health servicesSample of group work using ARNI Approach report: The Milton Keynes Project Read here