Hi, my name is Phil Earley, I am the owner of Ethos Health and Fitness Ltd.and also Newcastle Kettlebell Club. in Newcastle upon Tyne.
I am a Certified Personal Trainer and Sports Fitness Specialist, as well as a Golf Fitness Coach, National Level Kettlebell Instructor and Zone Nutrition Consultant.
I actually approached Tom re the ARNI Instructor Course having worked with a couple of stroke victims during my time as a personal trainer at David Lloyds.
I was saddened by the way they were left to their own devices and using the knowledge I had acquired from The National Academy of Sports Medicine and from my own research, I worked toward improving their functional abilities.
My belief is that we are here to help in our profession. The ARNI is a new approach and fuses ground-breaking techniques developed by someone who has not only suffered a stroke but has shown the remarkable level of rehabilitation that can be achieved. Tom is a shining light to those unfortunate to suffer from the effects of a stroke.
The Course was first class: informative, delivered in a relaxed, friendly atmosphere amongst like-minded, caring fitness professionals.
I have been fortunate to have actually weight-trained with Tom and his training partner and can testify to the tremendous strength Tom has been able to develop since his stroke.Mental focus, balance, incredible grip and hand function are just a few of the testimonies to Tom’s methods.
I now intend to work closely with Tom and help develop techniques involving kettlebell training to further his ongoing research into aiding the recovery of stroke victims.
ARNI, Tom Balchin……..in a word, INSPIRING!