As a relatively new PT, it hasn’t taken long to work out where my career path will hopefully take me. Rehabilitation is probably one of the most rewarding fields in the PT business, be that physically, mentally or both. Back at the beginning of the year when the emails went out about ARNI and its achievements I knew immediately what my reply would be! I was absolutely wired at the idea of furthering my knowledge of stroke survival and rehabilitation and learning from someone as inspirational as Tom.
Both the seminars I attended were fantastic; informative, hands on and most importantly, delivered by the experts. The other instructors on the course were top people also and of like mind which made both days even more enjoyable. Training anyone with a disability can be a daunting prospect, particularly as most of us P.Ts have not experienced anything like what our prospective clients have. However, Tom has been instrumental in providing us with not only the tools and knowledge but also the confidence to go out there and help those people who have that desire to fully overcome their injury.
It was a humbling experience meeting the individuals who have achieved so much since their stroke and has really optimised how I feel towards rehabilitation and its benefits. I’d like to hope that all stoke survivors would carry the same positive attitude towards training and thus achieve what they once thought impossible.
On a personal note, if there are any PTs in Devon who are interested in such a qualification, please please get in contact with the ARNI trust as I am hoping to run classes and perhaps go the whole hog via RD&E but could do with a partner in crime! I would urge anyone with a desire and genuine interest in rehabilitation to get involved as there is nothing quite like the feeling of helping someone just simply move effectively when they once thought they would spend the rest of their lives in a wheelchair.
Many Thanks to ARNI for giving so many the opportunity to achieve what once seemed impossible!!