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Dr Tom Balchin, who founded the Action for Rehabilitation from Neurological Injury (ARNI) Charity nearly 25 years ago, has been made an Officer of the British Empire (OBE) in the New Year’s Honours List.

At ARNI, we are all absolutely delighted for him.

All those who know him will know how dedicated and passionate he is, and continues to be, about helping people who have suffered a stroke to recover as much as possible.

Dr Tom had a severe stroke in 1997. Stemming from his own self-recovery and despite retaining ‘drop-foot’, he created a unique ‘approach’ (a series of linked evidence-based physical rehabilitation strategies & interventions) to stroke rehabilitation.

His ARNI Approach has become well known world-wide for its amazing successes in terms of guiding stroke survivors to regain movement and managing limitations.

Over the years, Dr Tom has helped many thousands of people personally (and via his books and login videos). And he has taught many hundreds of specialists (his ‘ARNI Army’ of over 150 specialist qualified neurorehabilitation trainers and therapists) who each help lots of survivors on a daily basis.

To do this required Dr Tom create what has become the only existing national accredited qualification in rehabilitation after stroke for specialist personal trainers and therapists.

The ARNI Trustees said to us on hearing the news:

‘Dr Balchin has grown this Charity from just an idea to help people like himself, and has done it always voluntarily. We think he is a quite remarkable man who is fully deserving of this very significant national Honour.’

If you know Tom, have been helped by one of his specialists or in any other context, please write to him on

Even better;

  • ARNI Stroke Rehabilitation Charity needs to further its reach in order to help as many other survivors who may not have heard about Tom and his Charity.
  • If you are in a position to write up a quick article and paste it to an authoritative page in an Institution you may represent, please do…
  • And/or send this to someone in the media who you know, we would be so very grateful to you.
  • By doing this, you may be able to indirectly gain support for stroke survivors out there who would not have contacted ARNI without you highlighting for them.

There is a page (click picture ‘Meet Dr Tom‘) with further text that you or another can cull some text from.

Or that a writer or reporter can gain a better understanding.

And of course, he/she is so welcome to email Dr Balchin OBE directly and/or speak with him.


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One Comment

  1. Nigel Rustin says:

    I had a stroke 11 years ago and someone recommended ARNI. Tim Smith worked with me for two years, and through his wonderful care I achieved what I wanted to do. I am thrilled every time I competitive tennis, twice a week, with my regular .

    Congratulations to Tom and thank you for ARNI bring me back to active life.

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