(from Abi)
Tony was 54 years old when he had his stroke 18 months ago which left him unable to use his right arm and leg and also his speech was badly affected. He was living alone at the time and we still don’t know how long he had been lying there on the floor before I found him – it could have been 3 days. Since his release from hospital Tony has been living with me and although his speech greatly improved, his mobility hadn’t which left him extremely depressed and feeling that life was not worth living.
We recently learnt about the ARNI Trust through one of the mental welfare team who was supporting Tony through a very low time and had found out about Dr Tom Balchin and his work via the internet.
We immediately made arrangements to see Dr Tom and spend 2 days with him going through various techniques of training and came away totally inspired. Tony now feels totally uplifted and extremely positive that he can now make improvements to his mobility with practicing the techniques shown to him by Dr Tom and following a proper routine of exercise.
Now we are home, Tony has started his ARNI training this week with determination and enthusiasm – we have set specific times and days to go through the regime of tasks in his training diary – I have improvised using a ‘Wii Fit’ board instead of the step for the Cardio exercise – it’s much shallower than a step and he still found it very difficult, but it’s a start! The new ankle brace fits very snugly – it was hard to get on at first, but getting easier and he wears it at the moment just for exercise – he does feel that it supports his ankle and his foot doesn’t seem to be dropping.
I have also set up a laptop with the CD with example videod strategies on for him to access – this is great because now he has found a reason to learn how to use a computer! (it’s another start!) I was so pleased to come home from work to not only find that he had followed your hand stretches, but also to find the Neurogripper on the table! Early days but a promising start!
Thanks also for the link re Aphasia – will certainly look into it . Tony’s speech is the one very noticeable improvement since his stroke – maybe ‘forced’ by necessity whereas the mobility hasn’t – yet. As discussed, we are going to access your Hove ARNI trainer for Tony with the view to regular, probably weekly training.