has started training with Andy Fox in Borough Green. Welcome, Sheila – we hope ARNI helps you to rebuild the way you want to.
Contact ARNI for Home Based Rehab with a Qualified Instructor
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The ARNI Institute | Charity For Stroke Survivors
The ARNI Institute is a UK Registered Charity: No. 1116130. Currently in our 20th year of voluntary work, we are committed to teaching stroke and other acquired injury survivors to gain better action ...
i just asked Dr Tom Balchin from ARNI Stroke Rehab to supply me his thoughts for the day for other survivors like him. He replied by email:
'Ok then Pam! Well, the one thing I find myself telling all my patients (and students and therapists to keep to make sure to keep emphasising) is that ‘knowledge is power’. You know this already, but in the field of stroke rehabilitation as in most other fields there are new advances, major and minor (and tweaks/adjustments to potentially optimise custom solutions for YOU (possibly!) emerging regularly'.
'So I guess need to know how to transition into ‘the expert patient’. Your emphasis needs to be on keeping as current as possible. You need to know what you need. And if you find modes appropriate to your needs, trying to investigate them further to work out whether they’re suitable applications to streamline your retraining or self-management'.
Cheers Dr Tom! Helpful advice. Pass this on via the Share button! ;) ;)
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A new study has proven that by integrating 30 minutes a day of progressive walking exercise into standard stroke rehabilitation (30 to 60 minutes of physical therapy five days a week) stroke patients have a measurable improved quality of life and mobility at hospital discharge compared to control groups.
We stroke survivors know that regaining walking ability, if we can, is an important part of stroke recovery.
Prof Janice Eng, a very well-known stroke rehabilitation specialist and professor in the department of physical therapy at the University of British Columbia in Canada (who was co-PI to this study) stated:
"Although guidelines recommend structured, progressive exercise after stroke, the uptake of these approaches that have sufficient intensity for rehab programs is still lagging. Structured and progressively more challenging exercise, aided by wearable devices to provide feedback on intensity, can help people maintain safe intensity levels that are crucial for neuroplasticity."
The take-away here for us is that a progressively higher-intensity walking exercise programme, COMBINED with standard physical re-training, can significantly improve the quality of life and mobility of stroke survivors.
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Truly, natural remedies do work. If they didn't, we wouldn't have used them for thousands of years. And, pharmaceutical companies wouldn't be studying plants, taking extracts of them, and patenting them as drugs.this is not a claim or lies I was totally cured from hashimotos and neuropathy by Dr Destiny herbal home His remedy is surely the best. I suggest you try him out if you are having any health challenges and also get cured too, give him a try 👇👇 www.facebook.com/252291807959648
Write down a few things (exercises) and start doing them. Then make a pattern of them day by day, which you don’t want to break; because it’s what you do.
And if you're not sure what exercises you should be doing we have trainers throughout the country who can help you. Call us on 0203 053 0111 or email support@arni.uk.com to find out if there's one near you.
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In the news today....
Laura Collingwood, from Paisley, was just 34 when she had a stroke in June.
She decided to mark the six-month anniversary of the life-changing event by climbing the mountain in December.......
Well done!!
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'It was brutal': Woman, 34, climbs Ben Nevis months after suffering a stroke
Laura Collingwood, a 34-year-old dog handler for the Ministry of Defence (MoD) from Paisley, has climbed Ben Nevis just six months after suffering a…
whatever your age, think about your stroke recovery exercises as a ‘job of work’. 45 minutes out of a day, and you’re done!
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How much are the classes?
Am a herbal Doctor and a spiritual Doctor, I work with roots and herbs, am into curing of HIV,diabetes,cancer fibroids,herpes, smallpox, autism, inching of the body,skin reactions, pregnancy help, lot more just contact me and let me heal you with my roots and herbs 🌿
Thought for today.......
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Agreed Ray Tinsley ! Preventing/stemming decline is SO difficult - Tom
Difficult when you've regressed for 5 years was doing well in the early days of recovery 9 years now
I suffered a severe stroke that left me paralyzed, but after using Dr. Azago's natural herbs, I regained mobility and can now walk again!" Organic healing home
How To Use A Mirror Box
Place your affected limb (hand or foot) in the box and the unaffected limb in front of the mirror. Then whilst looking at the reflected image and doing gentle symmetrical exercises it appears that the affected limb is moving normally.
Survivors with limited motor movement need to visualise and attempt to move the affected limb whilst simultaneously moving the unaffected limb in the same way.
They're not terribly expensive (around £30) so maybe worth you trying?
If you want someone to show you what to do then call us on 0203 053 0111 or email support@arni.uk.com and we'll see if there's a trainer near you who can help.
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ARNI has at a Zoom-based speech and language service for the public with specialist SLT colleagues which is proving to be extremely successful! .
If you have aphasia, you will find it hard to say what you’re thinking (expressive) or understand the spoken word (receptive). It can also affect your reading and writing skills. Aphasia occurs in as many as 40% of stroke survivors, making it the most common communication disorder caused by stroke, but many people conquer aphasia completely.
Email support@arni.uk.com
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ARNI provides specialist stroke rehabilitation and exercise support after hospital and community physiotherapy finishes.
Call us on 0203 053 0111 or email support@arni.uk.com
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