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When to Stop and When to Go: How To Get the Most out of Each Day

Valerie Pomeroy 300x300 - When to Stop and When to Go: How To Get the Most out of Each Day - Stroke Rehabilitation and Exercise Training for Survivors & Specialist Stroke Courses for Therapists and Trainers, Online and Face to Face

Your exclusive invitation for professionals who help those with brain injury, and for survivors and their families, only by application RIGHT NOW!

For 2.5 hours, this Thursday (23rd September 2021, 10.30am to 1pm), listen to and talk directly with the UK’s Leading Experts in Stroke Recovery.

Listen to and ask Professor Val Pomeroy (University of East Anglia) about getting to grips with/analysing action control and Professor Avril Drummond (University of Nottingham) about managing fatigue.

Co-chairs: Hokman Wong (Bolt Burdon Kemp) and Tom Balchin (ARNI).

Avril Drummond new - When to Stop and When to Go: How To Get the Most out of Each Day - Stroke Rehabilitation and Exercise Training for Survivors & Specialist Stroke Courses for Therapists and Trainers, Online and Face to Face

This is a rare chance for you to ask these two engaging experts about their fields and any other query you have. They will present for 45 mins each and the rest of the time will be concerned with taking your questions. So do come prepared with a few questions to ask: go for it!

There is NO CHARGE and we can also also apply on your behalf for a Certificate for 2.5 hours National CPD Service CPD points for attending.

These people are experts who I myself try and engage with when I need help in order to help a patient with a certain issue. So whoever you are, be it professional, survivor, family member or carer, do book up for this event (see flyer below). 

Reservations for Thursday’s awesome event are going quickly, so please do read the flyer below and reserve yours NOW by emailing 

Please note: if you already registered (for example, you attended last Thursday’s Conference with Professors Cathy Price and Heidi Johansen-Berg), then there’s nothing more to do except login at 10.15 or so, ready for 10.30 start!

ARNI BBK Stroke Conference  730x1024 - When to Stop and When to Go: How To Get the Most out of Each Day - Stroke Rehabilitation and Exercise Training for Survivors & Specialist Stroke Courses for Therapists and Trainers, Online and Face to Face

Professor Valerie Pomeroy is Professor of Neurorehabilitation and Director of Research at the School of Health Sciences, University of East Anglia with expertise in translational research into neuroscience-based rehabilitation interventions (proof-of-concept and early phase trials). Emphasis is placed on care closer to home and development of sensitive physiological measures for timely identification of response to therapy, prediction of response and the neural correlates of response. A particular expertise is in MedTech development especially after securing team mentorship on the Design Council Leadership Programme in 2014.

Professor Avril Drummond is Professor of Healthcare Research in the School of Health Sciences in the University of Nottingham. She is Non-Executive Director at University Hospitals of Derby and Burton NHS Foundation Trust. She is particularly interested in patient care and NHS research. She is an expert in rehabilitation research and evaluation of service delivery. An occupational therapist by background, her research includes rehabilitation research in stroke, traumatic brain injury, low back pain, total hip replacement, Multiple Sclerosis, specific studies of GP fit notes, hemianopia, early supported discharge, fatigue, falls prevention and home visit assessments, the work of the stroke units and community re-enablement.

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One Comment

  1. Thomas Eldred says:

    Is this UK time? We are in Eastern USA

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