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Jan Killingbeck

My ARNI physio, Richard, is the most caring, dedicated & professional physio I could have wished for.

Jan ARNI Stroke Rehabilitation Therapy Exercise 768x1024 - Jan Killingbeck - Stroke Rehabilitation and Exercise Training for Survivors & Specialist Stroke Courses for Therapists and Trainers, Online and Face to FaceSince having suffered a stroke back in Sept 2019, I had been unable to find any good professional physio care.  In desperation one day, my Consultant referred me to ARNI and Stroke Solutions, as I had exhausted all local physio services and simply did not know how I was going to recover.

It seemed that every minute of every day I was worrying about my limbs.  I had lost the use of my left side both leg and arm and thought there was no hope for me, the NHS were all so very negative about my prospects. I purchased Dr Tom Balchin’s book Had A Stroke? Now What, and training manual, and it is these that initially gave me back my sanity and belief that I would be alright. After contacting the ARNI Office and being referred to Stroke Solutions (who administer and regulate the full body of ARNI physios), I was put in touch with Richard. I have had weekly physio sessions and have never looked back since.

My physio, Richard of ARNI, has given me back my hope and belief that I can have a full recovery.  I no longer worry myself constantly about my condition or looking further afield. He is the most dedicated, professional & caring physio any stroke survivor could wish for and my only regret is that I didn’t find him so much sooner as I am sure had I done so, he would have had me back to my full recovery a long while ago and saved me from excessive stress. Richard also advises me on my health, diet and my well being. He is such a genuine, caring man.

All stroke survivors should be made aware of ARNI and Stroke Solutions before being discharged from hospital, so that no one else has to suffer the mental anguish and stress that I experienced.

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