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56 years old

Improvement all the time!

I joined the class in Feb/March 2006 and enjoy it very much. I travel from Bristol to London every week and back so I can attend ARNI, and wouldn’t miss it. It has aided my recovery and helped improve my confidence. I am now able to stand unaided, and this has become easier and faster. I had a fall a few months ago and was able to stand and walk for help. I would like to continue to improve my strength and mobility, to feel more confident walking without a stick and to gain more use of my right hand and arm. I enjoy the social side of ARNI and meeting others with similar obstacles to myself, and following this seeing their improvement. The instructors are great and I appreciate the time and effort they put in. It was good experience having acupuncture and discussing alternative recovery methods (eg diet and massage) with the Korean masters. I enjoy gardening and feel ARNI helps to improve my balance – I now never use a stick – and I am happy to walk around at train exhibitions, which are often very busy.

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